A virtual magazine for a true passion!

Editor: Jaap Horst

Volume 7, Issue 2

Bugatti Miniatures

Bugatti 100P Airplane
Les Furnell

This is my flying model of the Bugatti P100 racing plane of 1938.
I have had a love affair with this plane eversince I read about it 20 years ago and in the last three years have been working on this project and I am hopeful of doing the first high speed taxi run-ups by this Feb.2002 and initial flight tests by the end of Feb.
The wing span of this model is 3.2m power plant is a ZDZ 160 developing 15hp @ 7500rpm all up weight approx.25kg. but hope when completed to reduce this to 23.2 after the test flights.
The first tests will be using a single propeller and if sucessful with consider fitting her with contra-rotating props.
The construction is of moulded fibre-glass and foam glass cover wings & tail,control surfaces foam & glass covered.

Bugatti T13 and T50
Massimo Mina

The 13 is self made, the 50 (the bigger one) is a modified Pocher.

Bugatti T59
Pascal Lozach

A modified Brumm T59.

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